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Bogey Hole, Newcastle, NSW


Newcastle is a pretty breezy day trip from Sydney, and while there’s many good reasons to make the trip, we think this is one of the best!

Newcastle’s Bogey Hole is a natural swimming pool located beneath headland at King Edwards Park. The pool was built for Major James Morriset in 1819, making it the earliest purpose-built ocean pool in Australia. It provides amazing views of the coastline and often, the waves from the ocean will crash up against the pool and wash over you. It’s like having a splashing fight with nature.

Bogey Hole was cut into ocean rocks by convict labour in 1819. You will realise the convicts amazing achievement when you see the waves crashing into the pool. It was known, originally as the “Commandants Baths”. The name “Bogey Hole” was applied afterwards and comes from the indigenous word meaning “to bathe”.

Useful Information

Please refer to the Visit Newcastle website for further information.

  • Cost: Free
  • Booking not required
  • Bogey Hole, NSW Bogey Hole, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia

  • Next Activity Friday, 7 Feb. 2025 This activity recurs every: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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