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Pakenham Boot Camps For Women


“Why is Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp Consistently Rated The #1 Fitness Boot Camp In Pakenham By Women Just Like You Who Want A Tight, Toned and Terrific Body That Makes You Proud (and others jealous)?”

Because Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp Gives You


Faster, Easier And A Heck of A Lot More Fun Than
Anything Else You Can Do…GUARANTEED!

From: Robb Evans

Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp

Dear Soon-To-Be-Super-Fit Boot Camper,

Look, here’s the “skinny” on getting the body you want…these are the options available to you:

    • Join a gym: they’ll squeeze you for a hefty “initiation fee” and then whack your credit card every month…whether you show up or not. And if you do show up, don’t count on any support. In fact, unless you’re already one of those “hard body” types, they probably won’t even notice you. It’s a shame, but they’re all about selling memberships, not getting results.


    • Hire a personal trainer: this is a good option, if you don’t mind shelling out $65-$120 per 45-minute session. And frankly, many personal trainers tend to focus more on weight training and long, slow (boring) cardio workouts. So you can have more fun, meet great people, and get what many agree is a better, faster, more efficient workout at Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp.


    • Restrictive calorie dieting: I’ve got lots to say about this, but I’m going to bite my tongue. Here’s the bottom line: YO-YO. Yes, you may drop some water weight (and you’ll definitely lose lean muscle)…in the short term…but then it all comes back. Because our bodies and minds rebel (they scream at you) when you starve them. Plus, dieting murders your metabolism.  We can create an individually tailored meal plan to suit your food “likes”, nutritional needs and lifestyle.


    • Weight loss centre: you’ll probably get decent (and high-priced) nutritional advice, and they’ll probably try to sell you their meal replacements and supplements. Here’s how to know if this is right for you: take a look at the weight loss “counsellors” in these places. If they have the kind of body you want, maybe they’re worth listening to. If not, not.


    • Try and do it yourself: you may have already tried this option. And if so, you know how difficult it is going it alone…and how each time you try and don’t succeed, it takes a bite out of your confidence and your will power.


  • Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp: Fitness professionals and boot campers all agree…there is no faster, more certain way to get amazing weight loss and see-it-in-the-mirror fitness results. That’s why boot camps are taking the country by storm! So the question is not whether Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp works. That’s already an established fact. The only question for you is…


…Do You Want Results Like This?

Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis, Mother of 1,
36 years old, Admin. Assistant, Bunyip

In 8 weeks Kathy lost 5kg in weight (6.5% weight loss), reduced body & lost a total of 16.5cm off chest, waist, hips & thighs.

“I definitely love the fitter and healthier me and I plan to take on all that I have learnt to improve my own, and my family’s, life nutritionally. I want to remain healthy and fit and now realise how much nutrition plays a major role in a healthy lifestyle and not just exercise! Thank you Robb, your advice and support has made the whole process very rewarding.”



Tanya Bowen, Mother of 1,
35 yrs old, Personal Assistant, Beaconsfield

“I have been desperately wanting to get fit and more toned after a big ‘lull’. I like working as a group, rather than individual and having instructors rather than trying to do something at my own pace. I feel intimidated at gyms and much prefer this environment – the outdoor setting is great too. I am now so much happier with how I am starting to look – really toning up already…which in turn helps me feel a bit better on the inside. The coaches are lovely and very motivating”.


Sharona Pearce

Sharona Pearce, Mother of 2,
30 years old, Hairdresser, Garfield

In 8 weeks Sharona lost 6kg in weight (8.7% weight loss), reduced body fat by 4.1% & lost a total of 15cm off chest, waist, hips & thighs

“I’m so proud of the results I’ve achieved, I now feel more confident in many different areas of my life such as choosing more nutritious and smaller meals, not dressing to hide myself anymore. I even feel like it’s worth putting on makeup and dressing nicely again! I also feel more clean and healthy on the inside and don’t want to ever go back to feeling like I used to. I still have some more personal weight loss goals I am going to achieve with the knowledge and tools I now have to continue on with my healthy lifestyle including exercise and nutrition.”


Boot Camps are sweeping across the country, replacing old, tired, hard, long and
boring exercise with new, energetic, simple, quick and fun Boot Camp
workouts that get amazing results for women, regardless of your age or fitness history.


Now you can be a part of the hottest trend in pant-size-reducing fitness results and begin transforming your body fast with Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp. And you can even try us out completely free for one full class! But do so quickly, space is limited and Pakenham Boot Camp fills up fast.

And you can try us out with complete confidence that you are in expert hands, receiving expert guidance, coaching and support from Pakenham‘s most accomplished and respected fitness and body transformation specialists. In the past 10 years, my team at Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp has helped more than 200 Pakenham residents get into the best shape of their lives. You already saw and heard from them above!

Here’s What You Can Expect From Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp:

    • Four Weeks To Freedom: That’s all it takes – 28 days – just four short weeks. And you will never be the same again. Your body will change, fat and centimetres will melt away, and the firm and fit you will emerge. That’s for certain. But what’s even more astonishing is how your “seize the day” attitude and zest for life will grow. You will get physical and emotional freedom in just four weeks of Boot Camp. Read on to see how…


    • Bring Your Children For FREE: That’s right, we are child friendly!  We’ve designed our Boot Camp sessions this way so that all those Mum’s that can’t exercise due to the inconvenience and cost of putting their children into childcare whilst they exercise.  We remove those barriers for you and you can bring your children with you at no extra charge.  The children will quickly become friends with the other children and can join in with your exercise or just happily enterain themselves with other activities in a safe environment in which you can keep an eye on them at all times.


    • Four Weeks of FUN! Let’s face it…if it’s not fun…you don’t want to do it. Nobody does. That’s the #1 reason women struggle with their fitness and weight loss…they’re not having fun doing it! Not anymore. Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp is TONS OF FUN. You’ll get a body-slimming workout, lose weight and centimetres, feel great about yourself, accomplish more, increase your energy and improve your life in so many ways…and you’ll have FUN doing it. Which is why you’ll keep coming back for more, and keep getting more and even better results with each passing week. You get four full weeks of fun workouts for just $13.33 per session with our VIP program (but you don’t pay a cent to get started, your first class is on the house…FREE).  You can choose to come to Boot Camp two or  three times a week.  The more you come, the faster the results come.


    • Lose Weight, Tighten, Tone and Firm Your Body, and Drop Dress Sizes Fast: Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp is the undisputed “king of lean.”


    • Feel Great About Your Accomplishment: If you’ve struggled with weight loss and fitness in the past, then rest assured that ends now!
      • Do you want the energy to meet all the demands on your life and time?
      • Do you want to zip through your day, blasting past co-workers or even out-running your kids?
      • Do you want to perform at optimum capacity, running your internal engine hard and fast all day long, effortlessly accomplishing twice as much without the stress – and with a permanent, real, enthusiastic and contagious smile on your face?
      • Do you want to feel like a million bucks from sun-up to sun-down and well into the evening, then sleep like a baby, waking up totally recharged, rejuvenated and ready to go?


    • Meet Other Women Like You: Fun, enthusiastic, supportive people who have the same goal you do – get their body and fitness back!


    • Master Your Metabolism, Regardless of Your Age: And fire up your fat-burning furnace. Now you’ll be burning calories and fat 24/7 because your new lean muscle cranks up your metabolism like crazy!


    • Friendly, Expert Guidance In a Supportive, Structured, Motivational and Accountable Program: I, along with our team of trainers, are all Certified fitness experts with years of experience and a long track record of success.


    • Get Your Private and Public Victory: Nothing will make you feel better about you, and nothing will make others take notice of the “new you” faster than boot camp. You will be amazed.


    • NO DIETING! Wooohoo! The dieting ends now. You see, we don’t just show you how to exercise for body transformation, we also coach you on nutrition.  And one of the BIG lessons you’ll learn is how restrictive diets damage your metabolism. You’ll be eating more frequently, not less. And you’ll be eating many of your favorite foods.  Join our VIP program and you get your individually tailored meal plan absolutely for FREE!


    • Get Twice As Much Done…And Feel Great Doing It: If you work inside or outside the home – you know how demanding the responsibilities are. Most people are in a constant state of overwhelm from all the activities and obligations in their lives. And at the end of the day…you’re pooped. Boot camp is the secret to increased productivity, reduced stress and twice as much energy.


    • FREE, No-Obligation Boot Camp Class: I hope this letter gives you an appreciation of all the benefits Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp has to offer you. I hope you can see just how valuable and life changing this can be. But frankly, I understand if you don’t believe a word I say here. I recognise you may be skeptical and thinking, “Yeah, I’ve heard it all before.” And that’s okay. We haven’t met yet, and you haven’t tried out Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp, so I may not be registering really high on your “believability metre” right now. That’s why I want you to come and try us out without cost or obligation – completely FREE – and then decide.

Just say “Maybe.” Just maybe this is everything I’ve said it is. Just maybe this is exactly what you’re looking for. And just maybe this will be the last time you struggle with weight loss and fitness, and stress over your body and health…ever again. Just say maybe by clicking here to complete the no-cost registration form, and then come try us out free of charge. If you love the experience and want to keep going, great! If not, we part friends and you don’t owe me a dime.

    • Affordable, Convenient and Fast: You zip in and zip out. We start early evening twice per week, and first thing on Saturday mornings so you get your personal victory first thing in the evening and morning, preparing you to face your evening and days with energy and excitement. Boot Camp is priced from just $13.33 per workout, so it’s incredibly affordable. Please check out our calendar for days and times. We’re convenient to just about everyone!


    • GUARANTEED RESULTS: After your first free class, if you decide to keep going, as everyone does, then here’s our rock-solid guarantee of results to you:

  • More Fun: I know this has been kind of a long “list” of stuff you can expect from . And I appreciate you reading it all. Just the fact that you’ve read this far is a clear indication you are precisely the kind of person who can benefit the most from , and who will get the best results…because you take your health and fitness seriously. And we are very serious about results…but I want to tell you again that we get serious results…by having serious fun. Fun is the key. Fun is the secret. Because you have to have fun…or you won’t keep it up. Come join us and have fun while you burn the fat, melt away the centimetres, drop the dress sizes and take control – complete control – over your body, your health, your fitness and your life!

or call 0421 287 107 today

Look, for the past few years, Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp has helped hundreds women get in the best shape of their lives. You can (and should) listen to what they have to say by reading their testimonials above (there are more here).

We’ve helped the most out of shape, sedentary ladies get up off the couch and get back into life – we’ve helped high-level athletes achieve peak performance – and we’ve helped everyone in between. We have fitness and fat loss results down to a science. We know how to make it fun and engaging…for everyone… regardless of your age, fitness level and past experiences.

If you’ve tried and failed, or tried and gotten results, only to backslide…you are not alone. That is the experience so many people have, and we have the system and the program to put you back on top – to get you moving and grooving again – loving life again – feeling great again – taking back control and getting the body you really, truly want…and deserve.

We will put you on the fast track to the tight, toned, lean, firm and fit body you deserve, I guarantee it. Just say “maybe” and give us a try!

Or Call 0421 287 107 Today

Thanks very much for taking the time to read my letter and read the testimonials from women just like you. They’re all getting body transforming results (and having fun doing it), and you can be next. Just click here to take a free boot camp class with no obligation at all.

I look forward to seeing you in camp!



To your best body ever,



P.S. If you have questions, give us a call at 0421 287 107. We look forward to speaking with you and seeing you in camp!

P.P.S. Don’t forget, you can try out Pakenham Women’s Only Boot Camp completely free for one class. Click here to take us for a FREE test drive without any obligation at all (but hurry, fills up fast!)

P.P.P.S. Fitness boot camps are exploding across Australia for one BIG reason: Women get fantastic body-changing results faster than any other method…and have FUN doing it! If results and fun are what you want, and if support and accountability are what you need, then the choice is obvious.

Useful Information

Boot Camp Group #2When you come to Boot Camp here’s a few helpful tips to make sure you are prepared:

  • Wear comfortable, layered, clothes that you would normally exercise in.  As you get warmer you can remove layers to stay comfortable
  • Bring some drinking water
  • Bring a sweat towel
  • Bring a yoga mat or beach towel for doing ground work
  • Bring a hat and sunglasses for the warmer, sunnier months
  • Make sure you’re appropriately covered in sunscreen and insect repellent to help protect you from the elements
  • DON”T WORRY!!  Most people are very scared when they come to their first session thinking it’s going to be way too hard for them, they’re not fit enough, etc.  Our Boot Camps are designed for you to work at YOUR pace so that everyone gets a great experience.  We’ve had women of all shapes, sizes, ages and levels of fitness – everyone has a great time!  If you are particularly worried, we suggest you come along with a friend so that you can enjoy the experience together!

We have a number of different Boot Camp packages available to you:

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us on ph: 0421 287 107 or email:



  • Cost: $18.75
  • Booking required
  • Park Reserve, cnr Windemere Blvd & Bonneville Pde, Pakenham VIC Bonneville Parade, Pakenham VIC 3810, Australia

  • Next Activity Tuesday, 22 Oct. 2024 9.15am & 7am to 10.15am & 8pm This activity recurs every: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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