Junior Rangers, Parks Victoria
Junior Rangers encourage kids to explore outdoors with cool activities like rockpool rambles, bird watching, wildlife walks and many other adventure ideas. Head out with family and friends at any time and discover the amazing diversity our parks have to offer.
Head on an adventure at any time with these fun, self-guided activities, which you can download from www.juniorrangers.com.au/make-and-do
Bird watching – try to spot some of your local feathered friends
Caught on camera – test your skills as a wildlife photographer
People in parks – observe all the fun activities people do in parks, and know how to prepare for your next park adventure
Use your senses – the bush is full of interesting things to see, smell, hear and touch
Seaweed discovery – discover why seaweed is so important for animals in rockpools
Wildlife detective – learn to spot signs of secretive creatures
Let’s go beachcombing – explore what has washed ashore to discover what’s below the waves
Night stuff – night time isn’t scary when you know who is rustling and bustling in the bush
Useful Information
Junior Rangers is not a club; no membership is required to take part. Junior Ranger activities are run mostly during school holidays and on some weekends. Just go to the website to find out how you can get involved!
Please note: Most activities require a booking and children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all sessions.
- Parks Victoria
- Email: junior.rangers@parks.vic.gov.au
- Website: www.juniorrangers.com.au
- Cost: Contact Provider
- Booking required
Junior Rangers - no fixed location, VIC Victoria, Australia
Mar 12Next Activity Wednesday, 12 Mar. 2025 This activity recurs every: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday