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Cobbler Creek with Conservation Volunteers Australia


Cobbler Creek Recreation Park contains some of the last stands of mallee box grassy woodland in Adelaide.

Since the 1800s Adelaide’s suburbs have gradually been built over the natural habitats. Cobbler Creek has been preserved from development. The park not only offers a precious reminder of the plants and animals that once lived in the area we now know as Golden Grove and Salisbury, but it is also an important example of a grassy woodland.

The park faces pressures from introduces non-native species of plants and animals.

Please help us to remove the invasive weed, Coolatai Grass, from the park.  You will help to improve habitat value for native animals and birds, as well as reduce infestation and potential spread of declared weed.
You can learn native and weed plant identification skills, whilst helping to protect and enhance biodiversity.

Originally this grass was deliberately introduced in the NSW region of Coolatai as a soil stabiliser and pasture species, but actually holds little appeal to stock and grazers preferentially eat other grasses, allowing it even more room to spread.   It can quickly out-compete other ground
covers and grasses forming a dense monoculture.  The abundance of dry stalks and leaf matter are a
fire hazard, and the sticky seeds from plants along trails and roads can be carried long distances by animals, in people’s clothing and in vehicles.

Your help with controlling this grass will be a vital contribution to expanding work protecting threatened Eucalyptus porosa grassy woodland, expanding hygiene efforts by keeping this declared weed off shared-use trails and will contribute to work determining better ways to hold back the weed front of a dense patch of Coolatai Grass. This work will help contribute to a subregional approach to Coolatai Grass with local councils, NRM, National Parks, SA Water and the Friends of Cobbler Creek Recreation Park.  You’ll be able to meet and work alongside the local ranger as well as meeting like minded community volunteers and learn about natural area management.

BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL: If you would like to join our team please contact the Adelaide CVA office to check if a vacancy is available, to request CVA information for volunteers and to add your name to the team list. Alternatively you can book onto projects via the CVA website

Useful Information

City centre pick-up and drop-off. Team will meet at 7.50am to depart at 8.00am from CVA Office at 111 Franklin Street in Adelaide city centre. Returning back into the city by 4.00pm at the end of the project day.

What to bring and what to wear: –
– long sleeved work shirts and long trousers (jeans) for protection from the elements, vegetation and insects.
– strong protective boots (hiking boots or work boots with a protective toe cap are recommended).
– wide-brimmed sun hat (and a beanie for colder days)
– a raincoat or jacket (if the forecast is for rain)
– work gloves (rigger’s gloves or gardening gloves) or you can use CVA’s gloves
– sun glasses & sun block (high SPF)
– water bottles x 2 litres
– your own packed lunch and snacks for the day
CVA will provide the beautiful fluro yellow safety vests for team members for the day.


  • Cost: Contact Provider
  • Booking required
  • Cobbler Creek Recreation Park, SA Cobbler Creek East Reserve, Golden Grove, South Australia, Australia

  • This event has ended. Check for upcoming events.

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