Buchan Cave Tour
Near the township of Buchan in Victoria’s east Gippsland region, lies a honeycomb of caves full of spectacular limestone formations. Guided tours are conducted daily in Royal Cave and Fairy Cave. Royal Cave features beautiful calcite-rimmed pools. Fairy Cave features elaborate stalactites and stalagmites. Why not tour both?
Useful Information
Both Fairy Cave and Royal Cave are lit, with concrete pathways.
For the most up to date pricing and daily tour times, visit http://parkweb.vic.gov.au/explore/parks/buchan-caves-reserve/things-to-do/cave-tours
Royal and Fairy Cave tour times:
September school holidays to post Easter school holidays – Royal Cave* 10.00am, 1.00pm, 3.30pm
September school holidays to post Easter school holidays – Fairy Cave* 11.15am, 2.15pm
Post Easter school holidays to September 11.00am (Royal Cave), 1.00pm (Fairy Cave), 3.00pm (Royal Cave)
* More tours during peak periods – approximately every half hour.
Limited numbers taken per tour. It is recommended that visitors arrive 30-45 minutes prior to a tour commencing to secure a place.
Fees for single cave tour (Royal or Fairy):
Adult $20.90
Child $12.20
Senior $17.40
Family (2 adults, 2 children 5 – 16 years) $57.50
Fees for tours of both caves (Royal and Fairy)
Adult $31.20
Child $18.10
Senior $25.70
Family (2 adults, 2 children 5 – 16 years) $85.80
- Parks Victoria
- Email: buchanvisitorcentre@parks.vic.gov.au
- Website: http://parkweb.vic.gov.au/explore/parks/buchan-caves-reserve/things-to-do/cave-tours
- Cost: Contact Provider
- Booking required
Buchan Caves Reserve, Buchan VIC Buchan Caves Reserve, Buchan, Victoria, Australia
Mar 12Next Activity Wednesday, 12 Mar. 2025 This activity recurs every: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday