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Active in Parks Case Studies


Active in Parks has some great programs to encourage all Australians to get outside. Developed by health professionals and based on international research and evidence, these programs have been running successfully for many years. You can access detailed program implementation guides to support your organisation or community by registering here.




Physically inactive individuals at risk of developing or already experiencing chronic illness
are referred by health professionals to structured outdoor activity programs supported by qualified instructors.

Jane had never taken part in anything like the Green Referrals Program and she is now exercising at home every day.
Jane even completed the 2013 6km Run Geelong charity event, which she never thought she could! Jane feels much
more connected and has enjoyed the social interaction on a weekly basis.’
(Barwon Medicare Local, Victoria)



 Playgroups are supported to take their programs to natural settings and engage children and
families in nature play


Libraries and early childhood institutions are supported to host book readings in outdoor spaces


YouthAmbassadorsProgrammeSecondary students who are at risk of mental illness and/or disengaging from school undertake outdoor
adventure activities that develop leadership skills and a connection with nature.


New Migrants ProgramNot for profit immigration and community organisations are supported to embed the use of parks as a setting
for program delivery, specifically their orientation programs for new arrivals and refugees.



Green Rehabilitation supports mental health service providers to embed parks as resources for program
delivery by showing how nature can assist in mental health rehabilitation.

Thank you for a very enjoyable day for our clients and staff. They arrived back at the centre utterly relaxed and
tired after a day outdoors filled with activities and sunshine’
(New Horizons, NSW)



Adolescent Education Program supports young people with type 1 diabetes that supports them to
manage their chronic illness and treatment while being physically active.


WalkingParkWalks Active in Parks also supports the Heart Foundation Walking Park Walks program aimed at increasing
sustainable walking groups. The mixed age groups are supported to host their regular walks in national parks
and other natural environments

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